Among the greatest joys of being a dog owner is taking your furry friends on adventures and exploring the great outdoors. But with these adventures often comes a lot of mud, dirt, and grime, which can quickly accumulate on your dog’s gear. From muddy harnesses to grimy collars, and smelly boots, your dog’s outdoor equipment can get pretty dirty and start to harbor bacteria, odors, and even mold. The dog adventure specialists at Ruffwear have shared some tricks and tips on how to clean your dog’s outdoor gear and keep it in top shape.
Spring is the perfect time to clean your dog’s outdoor gear
Spring is the perfect time to perfect a dog gear cleaning routine. After months of winter walks and outdoor play, your dog’s gear has likely endured rain, mud, and other messy weather conditions. Before you embark on exciting outings with your canine companion this spring, freshen up your dog’s gear.
How to clean your dog’s harness
If your pup loves exploring and rolling in the mud, their harness and lead are bound to get covered in dirt and grime. To keep your dog’s gear in top shape, wash it once a month (or more often if they’ve been on a particularly muddy walk). Start by shaking off any loose dirt or debris, and then hand-wash the gear with warm water and mild soap. Rinse thoroughly and let it air dry. For tough stains, try using a soft brush with soapy water.
Use the gentle cycle when washing outdoor dog clothing
To keep your pup’s outdoor apparel smelling fresh, it’s a good idea to wash their coats and jackets as needed or at least once a month. Before washing, ensure any fasteners are secure and wash on a very gentle, cold water cycle with a mild detergent. Hang the clothing up to dry to prevent shrinking or misshaping.
Remember to clean your dog’s boots
Did you know dogs sweat through their paws? Give their boots a chance to breathe occasionally and clean them to keep bacteria and germs at bay. Rinse off any loose dirt or debris, secure the straps, and wash them on a cold, gentle cycle with a mild detergent. Air dry the boots and liners.
Get the stink off your dog’s gear
If your pup’s gear still smells after washing, mix 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon dish soap. Soak the equipment in the mixture for 20-30 minutes, rinse thoroughly, and air dry.
Keep dog bowls clean
Clean dog bowls daily. Make it part of your post-meal routine. First, clean your pup’s bowl with warm water and mild soap. Next, rinse thoroughly. Finally, air dry.
Prevent mold growth in water bladders
Water bladders are great for bringing fresh water on the go, but you must watch out for mold buildup. Wash with warm water and soap, and let air dry thoroughly before storing. To clean water bladders, wash them with warm water and soap. Next, use chopsticks to hold them up and let any water escape after cleaning. Then, inflate the bladder and hang them upside down to dry completely before storing. Finally, store the water bladders in the freezer with the caps off to prevent mold growth.
Wash your pup’s pack
If your pup has a pack, keeping it clean after several outings is crucial. Remove all contents and shake off any excess dirt. Hand-wash the pack in warm water and mild soap, then air dry. Use a soft toothbrush to remove any tough stains.
Spring into the season with clean gear
With these tips from Ruffwear, you can keep your pup’s gear fresh and clean for all your springtime adventures. By washing regularly and using household products to remove smells, your pup’s gear will be in top shape for all the exploring ahead.
Now that you know how to clean your dog’s gear, read up on how dog behavior changes in spring and get tips from a TikTok vet on springtime pet care!
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