Firefighter spraying water at a house fire ; 17 Dogs Die in Fire on Thanksgiving
(Photo Credit: chuckmoser | Getty Images)

17 Dogs Die in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire

A devastated Ohio family mourns after their 17 dogs, including a litter of puppies, died in a tragic fire on Thanksgiving day that destroyed their home. Now, the community is coming together to support the K-9 trainer through this tragedy.

Family grieves after tragic Thanksgiving fire

Jessica Schlumberger and her fiancé Sherman Holbrook, residents of Brookfield Township, told CBS affiliate WKBN they lost everything after a fire broke out in their home’s basement while they were visiting family over an hour away. “Our hearts sank getting that phone call,” Holbrook said of their neighbor’s call informing them of the blaze.

The neighbor tried to get into the house to save the dogs, but the smoke was too heavy. The 17 dogs that died ranged in age from 3 weeks to 11 years old and included German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, and a Dutch Shepherd, per USA TODAY.

“These were more than just pets, they were our life. They were our livelihoods, they were a part of our income, they were a part of our family,” said Holbrook, an Excel K-9 Services Inc. handler and trainer of explosive and drug detection dogs. “Everybody who met any one of our dogs loved them.”

Community organizes fundraiser

In a gesture of support, family friend James Reuff established a GoFundMe page for Holbrook and his family. “They just had puppies recently which is why it adds up to so many,” Reuff explained. “[N]ot sure what Sherman is able to do for work being the dogs were his income.”

Holbrook’s dog saved his life

Holbrook revealed that among the dogs lost was Thor, a 4-year-old Belgian Malinois, who helped saved his life when he was facing a particularly dark time. “That dog loved me unconditionally,” Holbrook said. “I was ready to end my life. One time he actually bit me in the hand when I had a pistol with me. That dog saved my life,” he continued “I got myself better for that dog.”

Holbrook also credits Thor for inspiring him to train police dogs and rehabilitate working dogs that may have a history of aggressive behavior or require more family socialization. “We kind of take the working dogs that shouldn’t have been put in homes and bring them to our home and teach them how to actually live in a home,” Holbrook explained.

In the aftermath this heartbreaking event, the family expresses gratitude for the support extended by donors and police K-9 officers. 

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