DogTime Evite invitations
Whether your throwing a puppy shower for someone else or for the new addition to your family, one easy option is to send an Evite online invitation. Not only do they save time and money, they’re earth-friendly too! Dogtime and Evite have partnered to create dozens of darling digital invitations for you to pick from for your dog’s special day. Click on DogTime Evite invitations to see all your choices.
Paper options
This is not a formal affair, so make the design festive but casual. And if there was ever an event to incorporate corny dog puns into your invite, this party is it. DogTime likes this invitation.
The location
Maximize the element of surprise by hosting the party at home. Any drive or walk that’s even the least bit out of the ordinary will ring alarm bells in your pup’s elaborate I’ve-Got-My-Routine-and-I’m-Sticking-to-It system.
The guest list
This is your dog’s big day, so invite all the friends–old and new, human and canine–he’d want to celebrate with. (Don’t get too crazy though–too many dogs in close quarters does not a fun party make, so keep the guest list short!)
This party involves keeping a secret across two species, so you may want to request right on the invitation that humans wait until the last minute to tell their canines about the party. This way, you’ll reduce the chances a dog invitee accidentally “wags” the news to the birthday boy or girl.
The timing
Ask your guests to arrive at your house a full 15 minutes before you expect to be home. If you know that Gingerbelle from daycare always needs a walk around the block before she heads indoors, ask her human to take that into account when planning their arrival time.
Surprise party invitations
Surprise party decorations
Surprise party favors
Surprise party food
Surprise party games
What to wear for your surprise party
Surprise party photos
See all dog party themes.