Great Pyrenees names Duke becomes Mayor of a Minnesota town, has ribbon and political button tied around neck
Image of Duke, the dog Mayor

Dog Elected Mayor in Minnesota

Elections are tough for voters, who are sometimes subjected to a barrage of negative campaigning, TV spots, junk mail, and other media. It’s no wonder some stay home on election day, or express their disgust for the candidates in the form of a write-in — such as their pet dog or cat. These candidates usually don’t win, but that’s not the case for a dog recently elected Mayor in Minnesota.

In city of Cormorant, Minnesota, a 7-year-old Great Pyrenees named Duke trounced the competition. Correspondingly, he was elected mayor by a landslide, WDAY6 reports. The pet pooch received 12 votes.

“Poor Richard Sherbrook that owns the Cormorant Store,” Cormorant resident Tricia Maloney says. “He didn’t even have half as many votes as Duke did.”

Dog of the people

Duke is a local fixture. The pooch keeps vehicles from speeding through the city, and as a dog of the people, keeps a high profile. He can be found frequenting the local pub for a burger and some fries. It’s no wonder he got the city’s 12 votes to win the office.

Great Pyrenees gets political perks

For a victory lap, Duke will receive five hours of grooming. The elected dog will be inaugurated at a ceremony on Saturday. During his one-year term, he will be paid in kibble, courtesy of a nearby pet-food store.

Other dogs and cats elected

Putting animals on the ballot for public office is nothing new; in 2012, Hank, a Maine Coon, ran for the U.S. Senate in Virginia as an Independent. The feline was defeated by Democrat Tim Kaine, but managed to get more than 6,000 votes.


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