Product Review: Puppia Soft Harness

Pet Product Review: Puppia Soft Harness

Let’s face it everyone wants style and comfort in their lives, and that includes for their pets as well. Best of all when style and comfort are combined with a great price and superior quality you’ve got a home run. In the pet fashion world, Puppia Soft Harnesses for dogs are just that home run.

I love Puppia Soft Harnesses. These harnesses are constructed with a soft, but heavy duty beathable polyester mesh that surrounds the pup’s chest and body. There are no sharp hooks or protruding clips and catches. The harness is adjustable to both the neck and the chest. The result is a pleasant snug harness that lets your pup walk and explore in comfort while still staying secure to the leash. Aside from comfort, the Puppia Soft Harnesses come in a rainbow of 12 brilliant colors.

Puppia harnesses do come in sizes and this is important. The sizing starts at XS for puppies with a chest size as small as 10 inches, and XXL up to 30 inches. I recommend if you’re considering to purchase a Puppia Soft Harness go to an eRetailer like because they have the size chart right on the order page. When my dog Champ was a puppy, he had a Puppia Soft Harness, we loved it, but he did out grow the harness and the way I realized was that chafed against his front legs. Outgrowing a harness is a consideration for people purchasing a Puppia Soft Harness for a small puppy,

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