Comfort Dogs Fly In From Across The Country To Help Orlando Shooting Survivors

There are few places to turn for comfort after senseless acts of violence rock our lives. The recent shooting in Orlando is the deadliest in the history of the United States. It’s easy at times like this to fall into despair. The only way to pull through is to rely on our friends, family, and even our dogs for comfort. That’s why 12 comfort dogs from all across the United States traveled to Orlando to help survivors and those affected by the horrific shooting that happened there.

They help survivors by providing a non-judgmental companion, there to listen or just provide a warm, furry body to hold and pet. Sometimes nothing needs to be said at all. They’re helping victims work through their grief, reduce their anxiety, and have a welcome distraction and bright spot in hard times. Even a moment of comfort can make a huge difference.

The dogs were invited by a local church group, and it’s not the first tragedy they’ve been called on to respond to. They’ve also been there to comfort victims of the Sandy Hook shooting and the Boston Marathon bombing. Sadly, it’s likely that they’ll need to be called on again before long. But it’s good to know that they’re out there providing comfort where it’s needed.

Would you feel comforted by these dogs if you went through a tragedy? Does your own dog give you comfort in hard times? Let us know in the comments below.

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