Dog is walked on leash with American flag draped on their back
(Picture Credit: ASchwaPhoto/Getty Images)

Presidents Day: 10 Dogs Who Should Be Elected President [VIDEOS]

Presidents Day falls on February 21st in 2022. With politics taking over every second of our lives these days, I got to wondering — what if your dog could run for President?

There would certainly be a lot more tennis balls and frisbees involved in that race; that’s for sure. And definitely a lot more barking. Dogs running for President wouldn’t just make politics more tolerable, but it would make elections ten times cuter.

Here are ten dogs who I believe have the right skills to be elected President of the United States.

1. This Husky Who Takes Charge

Being President of the United States means having the ability to take charge in serious situations. You need a President who takes command and knows exactly what they want to do. And this Siberian Husky is definitely a contender.

This Husky means business. He knows what he wants, and gets what he wants. Every time his human tries to remove the blanket to get her fur kid out of bed, the husky refuses.

It’s adorable how he wants to stay all cuddled up with his little boy. He even lies on top of him, making it harder not only for the boy to get up, but also harder to resist how cute he’s being.

2. This Compassionate Pit Bull

Putting others before yourself is an important quality for being President. You want someone whose main intent is to make sure citizens are comforted and cared for. That’s why this dog is destined for the Presidency.

Two cute ducklings were abandoned on someone’s doorstep. Luckily, it was fate that they were left at the right house with the right dog. This Pit Bull rescue dog named Pattycakes took the ducklings in, giving them the love and affection that they needed.

Now they do everything together and Pattycakes is always there to make sure they are cared for. Pattycakes is the opposite of selfish and would do anything for her two ducklings.

3. This Golden Retriever Who Maintains Diplomacy

In order to be President, one must maintain respectable relationships with other countries. Maintaining diplomacy is the key to maintaining peace in the world. This Golden Retriever knows that making friends is more valuable than making enemies.

When a rescued ginger kitten named Koda came into Keelo’s life, he knew the importance of creating a loving relationship. The two immediately took to each other and became instant friends and now do everything together.

Even though Keelo is twice the size of Koda, Keelo treats her with the respect and love she deserves. Keelo knows that different species like dogs and cats can actually get along.

4. This Labrador Who Helps A Disabled Friend

An essential part of the Presidency is making sure those with disabilities have the same rights and access as everyone else. That’s why this dog, named Blair, makes the cut to be President.

Blair the Black Labrador has taken on the responsibility of becoming a seeing eye dog for his Golden Retriever friend. Blair knows what it means to make sure those with disabilities have a fair shot.

After coming into the hospital from the streets with her own problems, Blair became friendly with Tanner, and it was a match made in heaven. Tanner suffers from blindness and seizures, but that didn’t matter to Blair. Blair guides Tanner alongside her, making sure he’s safe and secure.

5. This Dog Who Is A Golf Pro

While, technically, being good at golf is not a qualification to be President, golf has nonetheless been a tradition at the White House. From Kennedy to Biden, all Presidents seem to have a love for golf.

This dog would be perfect on the Presidential golf course. Viktor the Weimaraner is obsessed with golf balls. Every time his human goes to practice golf, she brings him along so he can retrieve the balls.

It’s the perfect combo because she can keep hitting the balls without having to go and get them herself. Viktor enjoys catching the golf balls and gathering them into one spot, making his mom’s day of swinging clubs a whole lot easier.

6. This Dog Who Protects & Defends

The President’s duty is to protect and defend our nation. No matter what, they are determined to keep us safe. The same goes for this dog.

This adopted dog, named Dooke, has paid back his family for giving him a home by saving his humans’ baby. Dooke loves his family and would do anything to protect them.

One night Dooke noticed the baby was not breathing. He immediately jumped on his humans’ bed and started shaking uncontrollably. They knew straight away something was wrong. Thanks to Dooke’s quick action, they were able to call an ambulance and save their baby.

This dog knows the significance of protecting and serving his people, making him an extremely suitable candidate for President.

7. These Huskies Who Have Debate Skills

To become President, it’s crucial that you nail a debate. Debating can sometimes be very intense and overwhelming, which is why these two dogs are perfect to take on the task.

These two Siberian Huskies definitely know how to argue. They’re having what looks to be a very intense conversation and keep howling at each other. While debates are supposed to be organized and respectable, it seems these two guys are getting so into their back-and-forth that they can’t control themselves and keep barking over each other.

Their powerful voices would make for a very expressive debate, that’s for sure.

8. These Very Loyal Dogs

Loyalty to one’s country is a basic requirement to be President. If you are loyal to your country, we know you have what it takes.

This compilation of loyal dogs proves just how dedicated and devoted they are to their humans. Whether it’s being reunited at the airport, visiting at the hospital, or just coming home from work, these dogs cannot wait to express their love. They’re so excited and cannot stop wagging their tails and hugging their people.

I believe they’d show the same faithfulness that they show their humans to their whole country as Presidents.

9. This Barker In Chief

The President gives speeches on a regular basis, so the doggy equivalent candidate needs to know how to speak.

Speaking is no problem for these Siberian Huskies. About ten minutes before their humans get home, these Huskies can already sense they’re coming. They immediately start barking and howling nonstop.

Their howls are extremely powerful and commanding, so prepare yourselves, headphone wearers. If these dogs stood in front of a podium and starting howling, everyone would be quiet and immediately turn their heads.

These dogs have the power of speech!

10. This Patriotic Pup

No matter the party affiliation, it’s essential that your Presidential candidate love their country. This German Shepherd could definitely be a candidate based on his patriotism.

Ever since his humans moved to an army base, Gauge the German Shepherd sings along to the National Anthem every single day when it plays precisely at 4:30. The fact that he stops what he’s doing and sings along proves that this dog is ready for the Presidency.

He’s got lots of devotion to his country and shows his love for it every single day. Or maybe he just really enjoys singing along.

Does your dog have what it takes to be President? Are you celebrating their leadership skills on Presidents Day? Let us know and leave a comment below!


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