Product Review: Cloudstar Muttos

Pet Product Review – Cloudstar Muttos

If you’re looking for a truly unique dog treat, Cloudstar, the California based manufacturer of super premium, super healthy pet foods, treats and products has a new product called Muttos. Why are Muttos different, well, they are two treats in one. These treats start with a crispy wheat flour and oat base, but have one side filled with one flavor and the other side filled with another. Flavors include: Peanut Butter and Green Apple, Turkey and Cranberry and Oatmeal and Blueberry.


Now, to be honest with you, these treats may not be for every dog. My dog Champ, who is spoiled beyond belief has become spoiled with all the treat samples we get and turns his nose up to anything that does not include beef. Chi Chi has food alergies and her owner claims the wheat flour will make her sick. So, my first two panelists were not the best candidates.

So, my next two panelists were Millie my friend Andy’s 4 year old English Bull Terrier, and Mossimo, my friend Keith’s Italian Grey Hound. Now, Millie is kind of a pig and has been know to gobble things down without any regard. But Mossimo is quite finicky. Regardless, both dogs came back asking for more.


If you’re interested in trying Muttos, go to and order directly from them, or go to your favorite pet store and ask for the product, and as I always recommend, ask for a sample to assure that your dog likes the treats. At $6.99 per 1lbs box that could be a savings.

If you have a pet product that you think will pass the secret shopper test, send an email to

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