Product Review: DERMagic Lemon Eucalyptus Shampoo Bar

Pet Product Review: DERMagic Lemon Eucalyptus Shampoo Bar 3.75 oz

You may say, $7 for a shampoo bar? For a dog? Trust me this shampoo bar is worth it. I love it. The DERMagic Lemon Eucalyptus Shampoo Bar 3.75 oz is a new way of helping canine dermatitis the all natural way.

Dermagic shampoo bars

If you’re a “green person” and tired of using chemicals and medicines on your pets, and your self, then this is the product for you. DERMagic contains the finest ingredients available are used, including certified organic whole-leaf aloe vera gel, vitamin E, organic shea butter, beeswax, therapeutic essential oils and soothing plant oils. Perfumes or artificial ingredients are never included, so you don’t have to wonder about adverse reactions and side effects. All DERMagic products are made in the USA with domestic ingredients, and are completely non-toxic to pets and people.

I have to tell you the Lemon and Eucalyptus Shampoo bar is smells so delicious, I couldn’t resist but use it on myself too. Its wonderful. And 1 bar will outlast a 16 oz bottle of shampoo. Go to the website for retail locations:

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