Product Review: Kmart Shark Full Size Bagless Pet Care Vacuum

Pet Product Review: Kmart Shark Full Size Bagless Pet Care Vacuum, Silver

As you all know, when it comes to the cleanliness of my house, I am very fastidious. I have a cat and a dog, so even when you don’t see it, there is hair everywhere. And its not just the hair that bothers me its the dander.

Anyway, I’ve had a big upright canister vacuum which I loved. It cost me about $150 and it was specially designed for pets. Worked wonders. I loved it. But I swear, these companies have a built in self destruction timing device right when it gets to six months. My old vacuum still works, but it was over heating, it started to smell, and most of all, I noticed that the cyclonic action was collecting the hair, dirt and tons of dander in the engine, not in the canister. Bad. Something was wrong.

So, I didn’t throw the old vacuum away yet, but I did set out on a search for a replacement. I checked Target, Walmart and Kmart. Actually,I was surprised that Kmart had the best selection of vacuums in my price range; under $150. The other stores were pushing much more expensive vacuums. Let’s face it, I’m on a budget. And I spent what I considered a lot of money on vacuums over the past year, two of them, and they both failed me.

I bought the Kmart Shark Full Size Bagless Pet Care Vacuum, Silver. I chose this model because it was specifically designed for pet owners. Also, you couldn’t beat the price $60. I was a bit skeptical because I had not heard of the Shark brand before, and the unit was significantly smaller than the other two big uprights I had.

So, today was the first test. Let me tell you, Kmart Shark Full Size Bagless Pet Care Vacuum, Silver is smaller in size, but for me, living in a New York City apartment, I liked that. Next, this vacuum had metal parts, finally! a vacuum that doesnt look cheap, and have those silly threaded hoses that never stay in place. As for the suction, well, I do admit, its not as powerful as the other two bigger vacuums were. But, after a month, those vacuums had underwhelming suction. The Kmart Shark Full Size Bagless Pet Care Vacuum, Silver did a great job on my rugs, my furniture, and I really like how it was so easy to use the metal tube to get under the couch and in corners.

Kmart Shark Full Size Bagless Pet Care Vacuum, Silver

My one downside, the instructions are so hard to read and have so many words and little type. I like simple pictures. And you do have to read the instructions to know how to best work the unit.

Listen, for the price, this was by far the best vacuum I’ve bought. Now I am keeping the box and the receipt in case something happens, but so far so great!

Go to Kmart to order yours at:

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