Nature’s Variety Raw Bones – Beef

Pet Product Review – Nature’s Variety Raw Bones – Beef 14oz

So, a few weeks ago I go to meet my groomer Barry at his place and his dogs are going absolutely crazy for these frozen bones they are chewing on. So I asked him, where did you get those bone? Response “at the supermarket of course”. But its not “of course”. What he had to do is go to the butcher, ask the butcher if there were any spare beef knuckle bones in the back that were thrown away. And if there are, then there is the whole discussion as to how much does the butcher charge? Sometimes they are free, other times the butcher will charge as much as $7.

Well if you’re like me, that whole scenario will never happen. For one, I simply don’t like to bargain. But most importantly, if I’m going to let my dog chew on anything, its going to clean, safe, and from a reputible source. Not some bones that were thrown away, maybe even infested with something.

Shortly there after I am in my local pet food store and they have a frozen food freezer. In there is an assortment of frozen treats, yogurt, raw food and low and behold, Nature’s Variety Raw Beef Bones. Well, my answer was solved. I know Nature’s Variety as one of the top pet nutrition brands, and I know they have an entire line of raw food products for both cats and dogs. So, This is a product I bought right away. And at $3.99 for two beef knuckles, the price was certainly right.


So, just like I would only trust treats and food from a reliable source, the same goes for a recommended retailer. If you don’t have the luxury of an organic pet food store just down the street, like me, then I recommend going to Only Natural Pet you can order your Nature’s Variety Bones directly from this wonderful eRetailer at:

While you’re there check out the nutritional benefits as stated by Only Natural. Here is what they have to say:

“Nature’s Variety Prairie Brand Raw Frozen Bones are fresh frozen and vacuum packaged. They are perfect for a special, nutritious treat that satisfies the natural chewing desire of dogs. They also supply additional quality protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, as well as a natural source of glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen and calcium for healthier joints and connective tissue.”

If your dogs love these bones, you may want to think about having them automatically delivered every week or two.

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