
Pet Products Review – CollarTags

When it comes to pet identification and pet recovery, my policy is that you can not have too much. Could you imagine losing your pet? I’d be devistated. My pup Charlie has multiple tags, some of which have digital databases of contacts to call, he’s microchipped, registered at the police station and he has a great old fashioned lovely CollarTag by I love this CollarTag.

Boomerang_collartag_n_thumbI bet you were hoping that I’d show Secret Shopper’s name, sorry.

What I love about this particular CollarTag is that it lays flush against the collar. This mitigates any friction between the collar and the dog’s skin. It also makes the CollarTag very secure and less apt to wiggle its way free. Too boot, you have less of the jingle jangle of tags that sometimes can wake you up at night.

The CollarTag is very well constructed of jewelery quality stainless steel. It’s got a sophisticated “classic” look. Trust me the CollarTag makes any collar look great; and it won’t discolor your dog’s hair like some other tags.

I strongly recommend that you go to site to place your order. The tags are only $10.25 and include tax & shipping! But you need to find the exact size that fits your dog. So order here:

If you’ve got a petproduct you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to

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