Odor Go Deodorizing Skunk Shampoo by Tomlyn

Pet Product Review – Odor Go Deodorizing Skunk Shampoo by Tomlyn

So Barry, my groomer friend is working at Petco now. So I asked him, what new products do they use at Petco that are really exceptional. He said “for smelly pets, you’ve got to try Odor Go Deodorizing Skunk Shampoo by Tomlyn”.


He said “tomato juice for skunks, that doesn’t work, Odor Go really works”. It’s light, but has a consistency thicker than water, so you do not need to dilute. It’s very easy to use as it is a combination of shampoo and deodorizing product. It lathers up nicely, and afterwards has a great refreshing citrus fragrance that is not too strong. All in all it is great. Every home with a smelly pet should have a gallon.

Odor Go Deodorizing Skunk Shampoo by Tomlyn is available at www.VetMedDirect.com for $32 for a 1 gallon bottle. Here is the link to order yours:


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