Pet Product Review – Standard Door Strap — 6 Bells by
You may be wondering why am I writing a review on bells? While it’s really quite simple, I’m training my puppy Charlie to ring bells that hang from the door each and every time he wants to relieve himself. I got the idea from my groomer Barry.
So I looked all over the Internet for two weeks to find exactly the right bells that were affordable and had a design suited to my training goals. I found the perfect bells and the price was wonderful only $24 including shipping.
I was so impressed I wrote a letter to the manufacturer Classic Bells Ltd.I wanted to let them know how happy I was with this style and very high quality of their product. And I wanted to let them know that my intention was to use them for dog training. Here was their response:
I am very glad you like the bells — thank you for the feedback. We try to offer a little nicer product than the usual because our goal is to offer the best quality possible for the price. Our business has just two employees — my husband Chuck Kelly and me. We do all of our design and manufacturing in our home workshop.
We sell a fair number of our 3 and 6 bell straps to dog owners. Some folks buy the versions with antique or new solid-brass bells; others buy the less expensive plated-steel bells like the ones you purchased.
One tip for “bell training” I have heard is to put a little peanut butter or other yummy, sticky treat on the lower bell to attract and reward the dog at first, then gradually fade to the just the reward of getting to go out.
Some folks buy bells for the outside of the door too, but I think that would only work well in warm climates. It would be tough for me to hear the outside bells here in Iowa when our heavy doors are closed tight against the winter cold.
For really small dogs or puppies, sometimes a door strap can be too short. In that case, the bells can be hung on a hook installed on the door frame or the hook can be fastened to the door itself an appropriate distance below the door knob.
If you think this type of training is right for your dog do contact here is the exact page I went to order my bells:
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