Handmade Confections by Sucré

Pet Product Review – Handmade confections by Sucré

Sucré confections

Sucré is a New Orleans based confectioner known for their delectable, hand-crafted artisan chocolates as well as their scrumptious pastries and macaroons, which are even Oprah-approved! This holiday season, a portion of every dollar spent online will go to benefit the LA/SPCA. The wonderful people at Sucré sent me their New Orleans gift box to sample and I couldn’t think of a more tasty way to ring out my 2009 diet and ring in the holidays!

First, the packaging is just beautiful! If it weren’t for the sweet delicacies whispering to me from inside the boxes (like the call of the Sirens), I probably would have left all of the ribbons intact and used them as holiday decorations this season. But open them I did, and boy, I was not disappointed. Yummy candied pecans, macaroons, melt-in-your-mouth chocolates, a pecan loaf and the aroma of the Sucré whole bean coffee all seemed to be chanting, “Try me first!” My waistline can attest to the fact that I sampled each and every treat and, for a moment, I could have sworn I heard the sensuous sound of jazz emanating from the can of candied pecans! Delicious!

If you’re looking for the ideal Christmas gift for the pet owner in your life, (or a little pampering for yourself), I think the Sucré gift box is the perfect way to indulge your palate and help homeless animals!

You can view and purchase the New Orleans gift box, along with a wide variety of other people treats at the Sucré website. FREE shipping ($9.95 value) on all orders over $70 per address Code: BONBON offer expires 11/30/09.

If you have a pet product you think can pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to: secretshopperblog@gmail.com

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