FURminator De-Shedding Tool for Dogs and Cats

Pet Product Review – FURminator de-shedding tool for dogs and cats



Couldn’t wait to receive my FURminator deLuxe deShedding tool from the FURminator folks to review! I have a yellow lab and 3 cats that shed as though everyday is a sweltering summer day. Wearing black in our house is truly a “fool’s errand!” My poor husband has to dash to the car, while dodging animals and furniture, when wearing his black suit to work.

I soon realized that they had sent me the small tool for use on small pets so my large, lumbering Lab would have to sit this review out. I grabbed the first small test panel member to cross my path which happened to be Indy, our high-strung, fuss-budget feline with medium to long hair. Amazingly she sat still long enough for me to run the FURminator through her fur and remove a good deal of loose hair. Our medium to short haired, Buddha kitty, was next in line and rolled on the floor with delight while I stroked him with the de-shedding tool. Just as in Indy’s case, it removed more hair than I thought possible.

I really liked the grip of the tool, the amount of fur it was able to remove, and the nifty FURjector which cleans the tool by pushing out the loose hair caught by combs. The FURminator will definitely be a popular tool in this household.

You can purchase the FURminator line of deLuxe Shedding Tools, along with other FURminator products, online at Petco.com for $44.99 to $62.99 (depending on which size you order). For a list of additional retailers, visit the FURminator website’s “Where to Buy” page.

If you have a product you think will pass the secret shopper test, send an e-mail to secretshopperblog@Gmail.com

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