Paw Pets – Puppets for Dogs and Cats!

Pet Product Review – Paw Pets – Puppets for dogs and cats!

Paw Pets

Paw Pets

When I first opened the box from Paw Pets, I thought, “What? These are for dogs?” Being fairly new to the “dog world” I had no idea as to how the panel would react to these ultra-soft, plush puppets. However, I did understand and support the Paw Pets philosophy of providing toys that encourage humans to interact in a playful way with the dogs who own them.

I must admit, having no panel members in sight, I first tried out the Hippolyne hippo puppet on my 5 month old (human) grand-daughter who absolutely loved it!


Next up was our newest panel member, 9 week old Shakespeare. It didn’t take him long to get into “the puppet groove!” He LOVES these toys! Especially the large Hippolyne puppet. When not occupied by someone’s hand, he grabs the puppet in his mouth and thrashes his head from side to side like a crocodile with real hippo! After one especially vigorous puppet-playtime, he fell asleep cuddling with them. They are incredibly soft but also seem quite durable.


Noah, Roxie and the cats really enjoyed the one-on-one puppet playtime with their mommies. They didn’t attack the puppets with the same puppy-gusto as Shakespeare but, and perhaps more importantly, seemed to really benefit from the special attention.

These are GREAT toys! Perfect holiday gifts for the dog lover who (you think) has everything! You can purchase Paw Pets online at the Paw Pets store for 12.95/small puppets and 24.95/large puppets or visit their Retail Locations page for a list of retailerswho carry their products.

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