Pet Product Review – DogToids, Feeding Bowls, Water Bottle Crunchers, FurBuster by Bamboo
The nice folks at Bamboo sent the panel a box of goodies to review!

Dogtoids – How clever is this? DogToids, (not affiliated with Altoids), are breath mints for your dog! Cute little bone-shaped treats that Joey & Roxie loved! I conducted my own (unscientific) breath test on the dogs before and after chewing a DogToid and actually did notice a difference! Only $1.99 at

Feeding Bowl – Super cute bowls for discriminating cats. The non-skid base keeps it from scooting all over the tile floor when kitty chows-down. The pink fish design is perfect for our little feline princess. Buy online for $3.50 on the Cat Claws site.

Water Bottle Crunchers – The panel went nuts over this toy! A must have for dogs who love to chew on water bottles! The empty bottle is safely tucked inside a heavy fabric cover so doggy can’t endanger himself by swallowing sharp plastic pieces or cutting himself on sharp edges. You can freshen up the “crunch factor” by putting in a new bottle. Kaya and Jessie had a tug-of-war for rights to the caterpillar cruncher. Found these for $6.86 at

FurBuster – The FurBuster de-shedding tool worked great! After three quick swipes through Roxie’s fur, the comb was filled with loose hair. It’s light-weight and comes in 3 sizes. I found the small & medium tools for $21.97 on Petco’s website.
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