Fresh Baked Dog Treats by The Baker’s Dog

Pet Product Review – Fresh baked dog treats by The Baker’s Dog



The nice people at The Baker’s Dog sent us some of their fresh baked dog treats to review. Yum!

Shakespeare, you’re famous! Fresh baked doggy treats personalized with a picture of your pup on the package! Great idea, especially when looking for a unique gift to give your dog loving friends and family members.


Kaya and Joey loved the Beef & Bacon treats and Shakespeare is nuts for the Pumpkin flavored biscuits. These enticing treats are perfect to use as 10 week old Shakespeare’s training lures. I can tell they’re incredibly delicious by watching Shakespeare’s tongue action as he anticipates the taste of the treat he’s about to receive as a reward for a good “sit.” The cute little Pawcos, Cinnamon Rollovers and Puppy Cigars were woofed down as well.

There are so many interesting products on their website I’m not sure which I would like to try next; The Doggy Bone Cookbook, the Bar-B-Que Ribs, the Down Boy Bagels, or maybe the Kitty Treats. The list goes on and on!

You can purchase these treats and more doggy delectables on The Baker’s Dog website. $5.99 for a “Half Pounder” package of treats and $9.99 for a “One Pounder” package.

If you think you’ve got that will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an e-mail to

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