Sea Mist Repláscent, Breath, Culture & Nerve Treats by Isle of Dogs

Pet Product Review – Sea Mist Repláscent, breath, culture & nerve treats by Isle of Dogs


Violet + Sea Mist Repláscent – Love this! This odor-neutralizing spray is also safe to spray directly on your dog! Great for an in-between-baths freshen-up. It has a pleasant, light fragrance. I keep it next to my bed to diffuse the scent of Joey’s oh-so-fragrant “toots” during our cuddle time!

Sweet Milk + Toffee Flavor Treat for My Breath – Joey loves these! We’ve used them for several days, twice a day, and his doggy breath reallyhas improved. They are made with whole grains, organic fruits and vegetables, and whole flax seeds. Good for him and his breath! The flavor makes it hard for me to resist taking a bite!

Lemon Mint + Live Active Cultures Treat for 14 Days – Kayaclearly enjoys these treats. She loves the taste and they introduce “healthy active cultures into your dog’s digestive system.” Made with lemon and peppermint, as well as organic fruits and vegetables. Yum!

Lemon Balm + Lavendar Flavor Treat for My Nerves – These treats are, “Recommended for dogs under stress from the fear of separation, travel, tension caused by changes in daily routine, and fear of other dogs.”We gave them to Noah who recently lost his best friend and he is definitley calmer. And once again, they must taste great because Noah woofs them down!

You can purchase a .75 ounce bottle of the Repláscent spray for $14.99 and 1 pound bags of the treats for $11.99 on the Isle of Dogs website.

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