Pet Product Review – Talk To Me Treat Ball, Treats & Greeting Cards

What a fun package to receive! Thank you Talk to Me Pet Products team for sending your products for review!
Talk To Me Greeting Cards
I absolutely love the greeting cards! What a neat surprise for the recipient! There are cards for “Barkin Birthday,” “Thinking of You,” “Congrats,” “Happy Howlloween,” “Merry Christmas and “Happy Howlidays.” and all are packed with treats! I’m going to save a couple of cards for my own pampered pooches! Price: $3.99

Talk To Me Rubber Treat Ball
Here’s what Snoopy’s human, Gen, had to say about the Treat Ball, “She has never taken to a toy more quickly or played with a toy for as long.I have even noticed if I use the same words and voice I recorded on the toy, that my little Beagle pays extra close attention, now!” Sizes: Large & Sm/Med Price: $19.99 to $24.99

Talk To Me Treats
Snoopy also enjoyed the mint treats that were stuffed in her talking Treat Ball. Gen says, “The Talk to Me Treats themselves are a hit as well, and really do help to freshen her breath. I would definitely recommend both the Treat Ball and treats to other dog lovers!” 4 oz bag: $3.99 14 oz canister: $14.99

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