Can dogs eat maple syrup? You may be asking this because your pup is begging you for a taste of this sweet sauce. Humans can eat maple syrup, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is yes, maple syrup is safe for dogs to eat. This may be surprising, but maple syrup is fine for your dog to consume in small amounts and actually contains some health benefits.
As with all human foods, you must contact your veterinarian before feeding your dog any new dietary additions. Here’s what you should know about feeding maple syrup to your dog.
How Is Maple Syrup Safe For Dogs?
Maple syrup is made from concentrating the sap of various types of maple trees. Because it is such a simple food, your pup should be able to consume maple syrup in moderation.
Maple syrup is high in manganese and zinc, both of which support your pup’s immune system. It is, however, also high in sugar content. If your pup is diabetic or needs to lose a couple of inches around the waste, maple syrup is not the snack for them.
How Can I Safely Give Maple Syrup To My Dog?

If you plan to give maple syrup to your dog, you should be sure to choose a natural maple syrup. You can pour a little bit of maple syrup on your pup’s food or let them lick a small bowl with a drizzle of this gooey substance.
Although maple syrup does have some beneficial qualities, it doesn’t contain anything that your dog couldn’t find in their regular food or a less sugary food, like dates or pineapple.
It’s worth noting that the type of maple syrup we are referring to is natural maple syrup. Artificial maple syrups contain ingredients that aren’t good for your pupper.
Some artificial maple syrups contain a sugar substitute called xylitol, which is toxic to dogs. Even a small amount of xylitol can be fatal if your dog isn’t treated for xylitol poisoning. Always check the ingredients before sharing new foods with your dog.
Has your dog ever eaten maple syrup? Do they like the natural sweetness? Let us know in the comments below.