woman at dog shelter talking with employee
(Photo Credit: StefaNikolic / Getty Images)

Do Shelters and Rescues Lie About Dogs?

When it comes to adopting a furry friend, shelters and rescues play a pivotal role in helping dogs find loving homes. These organizations dedicate their efforts to rehoming dogs in need. They often go above and beyond to connect canines with compatible families. However, an uncomfortable truth occasionally emerges: shelters and rescues might sometimes bend the truth or withhold information from potential adopters in their eagerness to place dogs. While the intentions are usually noble, these actions can have unintended consequences for both the adopters and the dogs involved. We’re going to delve into the question: Do shelters and rescues lie about dogs?

Why shelters and rescues bend the truth

The sad fact is that shelters and rescues do occasionally lie about dogs in their care. For every successful adoption story you hear, there is inevitably another one about a disappointing experience with dog adoption.

In the quest to ensure that dogs find forever homes, shelters and rescues may inadvertently lean towards exaggeration or omission. The goal is to make dogs more appealing to potential adopters by emphasizing their positive traits and downplaying potential challenges. This practice can range from describing a dog as “playful and energetic” when they’re actually hyperactive, to overlooking certain behavioral issues that may arise in a home environment. Or, a shelter or rescue may deem a pup “mixed breed” instead of labeling them a Pit Bull due to the negative reputation of bully breeds. While this approach might increase a dog’s chances of being adopted, it can also set adopters up for unexpected challenges down the road.

Unintentional lies

It’s important to recognize that not all information presented by shelters and rescues is intentionally false. A significant challenge arises when dealing with stray animals whose backgrounds are often shrouded in mystery. Shelters might make educated guesses about a dog’s breed or age based on physical appearance, but these estimations aren’t always accurate. The lack of concrete information can lead to potential adopters receiving inaccurate details about the dog’s characteristics and needs. With over 500 dog breeds in existence, dog breed and age errors are inevitable unless the dog undergoes genetic testing.

Consequences of deception

While these lies the arise during dog adoption might not be malicious, they are still harmful. The consequences of inaccurate information can have a ripple effect that impacts everyone involved. When adopters make the decision to welcome a dog into their home based on false or incomplete information, it can lead to disappointment, frustration, and even feelings of betrayal when the dog’s true nature surfaces. A dog who was described as housetrained might have accidents. A pup labeled as safe around children could exhibit fear, aggression, or herding behavior with the little ones. And a dog noted as comfortable with cats might end up chasing them due to a high prey drive. As a result, adopters might feel compelled to return the dog. These kinds of surrenders cause emotional distress for both the family and their short-lived canine companion.

Furthermore, shelters and rescues, often operated by volunteers or underpaid workers who are already stretched thin, face the added burden of managing returns and attempting to rehome dogs that have already been through the adoption process. This cycle of deception, return, and re-adoption adds stress to these organizations. It diverts valuable time and resources away from other dogs in need. It’s a situation that’s detrimental to all parties involved, from the adopters and dogs to the shelters and rescues themselves.

How to protect yourself when adopting a dog

As a potential adopter, it’s important to be proactive and take steps to protect yourself and ensure a successful adoption experience. While shelters and rescues play a crucial role in rehoming dogs, adopters can empower themselves by being well-informed and vigilant during the adoption process. Here are some tips for adopters:

Ask detailed questions

One of the most effective ways to gather accurate information about a dog is by asking specific questions. Don’t hesitate to inquire about the dog’s behavior in various settings, interactions with other animals, history of medical issues, and any training or socialization they’ve received. Understand the dog’s routine, exercise needs, and potential triggers for behavioral challenges. By seeking detailed information, you can gain a clearer picture of the dog’s personality and whether it aligns with your expectations and lifestyle.

Ask for references and recommendations

Word of mouth can be a valuable resource when considering adoption from a shelter or rescue. Reach out to friends, family members, and acquaintances who have adopted dogs from specific organizations and inquire about their experiences. Online forums, social media groups, and local community networks can also provide insights and recommendations regarding reputable shelters and rescues. Hearing firsthand accounts from fellow dog parents can help you make an informed decision about where to adopt.

Visit the shelter or rescue in person

Whenever possible, consider visiting the shelter or rescue in person before making a decision. This provides an opportunity to observe the dog’s behavior in a real-life setting, interact with them, and ask the staff questions. It also allows you to assess the living conditions, cleanliness, and overall environment of the facility. Meeting the dog in person can help you gauge your compatibility and make an informed choice.

While shelters and rescues typically have the best interests of dogs at heart, it’s crucial to acknowledge that sometimes, shelters or rescues lie about dogs. Bending the truth or withholding information has unintended and negative consequences. Transparency and open communication between shelters and potential adopters is in the best interest of everyone. Honesty ensures that dogs find homes where they can thrive and that adopters are ready for the responsibilities that come with pet parenthood. By being open and honest, shelters and rescues can better support both the dogs in their care and the families eager to provide them with loving homes.


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