Two Adult Males with Two Adult Females and Two Dogs sitting in a floaty by Ponchatoula Creek after a day of tubing down the river in Southern Louisiana.
(Picture Credit: Linka A Odom/Getty Images)

Get The Magic Of Summer Back By Adopting Or Fostering A Dog

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Summer time brings back great nostalgic memories for people of all ages. You probably remember school getting out, slurping down ice cream and popsicles on hot days, playing mini golf with your friends or family, or even sneaking in to see a blockbuster movie your parents would totally disapprove of.

As you get older, some of that magic behind summer can disappear as work and other adult responsibilities take priority.

If you ever feel yourself starting to get a little sad that the younger you got to enjoy the summer time more than the adult you, adopting or fostering a dog can rejuvenate you and fill your boring summer with joy and childlike wonder all over again!

See The World Through New Eyes

elderly man plays fetch with dog at beach
(Picture Credit: Paul Barton/Getty Images)

Remember how you and your friends would just walk around doing nothing and it was somehow fun? You were just wasting time, but somehow it didn’t feel that way.

Let your new doggy companion lead the way to new adventure and bring back that feeling.

Driving in a car around your neighborhood just isn’t the same as when you’re walking on foot. You get to see everything in a new way.

You’ll realize that the building you pass every day in the car on your way to work actually has beautiful brick detailing that you hadn’t ever noticed before your dog lifted their leg to pee on it.

Having a dog will get you outside and walking again, and you’ll see the world in a totally new way.

Get More Exercise! You’ll Feel & Look Younger

A father walking with his dog and his son in the suburbs
(Picture Credit: warrengoldswain/Getty Images)

The average American doesn’t get a lot of exercise, but the average dog parent does!

People start exercise regimens and just can’t stick to them. A pup will motivate you to get out and exercise every day. You’ll learn about all sorts of hiking trails that you didn’t even know existed as you find fun ways to help exercise and entertain your new pup.

Mountains become molehills, you see beautiful views and vistas you’ve never seen before, and you might not have done it if you didn’t have those sweet puppy dog eyes looking up at you.

Studies show that exercise reverses many signs of aging, and before you realize it you’ll look and feel like you did in those summers of youth!

Ease Your Loneliness & Summer Blues

woman and dog on lawn chairs
(Picture Credit: Ronnie Kaufman/Getty Images)

More Americans than ever feel lonely with about 35.7 million US citizens living alone. That makes up about 28 percent of all American households.

You may not realize it but social isolation has been linked to all sorts of physical and mental ailments from sleep disorders to high blood pressure to depression.

You’ll never be isolated or alone with your newly adopted or foster dog. When you get home from work, there’s always someone there to greet you who is really happy and excited to see you.

You have an adorable cuddle partner who is ready to watch movies, go for walks, run errands, go camping, or whatever you like anytime you want. You might even live a longer and happier life!

Don’t let this summer pass without taking advantage of the wonderful physical and mental health benefits a dog can bring into your life. You might even say that dogs are the key to the fountain of youth, and you might not be wrong. Now go down to your local shelter and start having fun!

You can check out DogTime’s adoption page that lets you search for adoptable pets by breed and zip code!

Do you have a dog at home who helps you feel the magic of summer? What fun things are you planning with your dog this season? Let us know in the comments below!

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