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New Study Offers Clues To Determine if Your Dog Will Suffer From Dementia

An older dog who may be more likely to suffer from dementia.
(Picture Credit: cmannphoto / Getty Images)

It’s no secret that, as your pup ages, the care you will provide for them must change. Some dogs age like a fine wine, seeming to grow more relaxed with age. Others, unfortunately, take on more health complications.

There are some things you can prepare for. You can expect your pup likely won’t want to walk as much in their later years, for example. But dementia often is an unexpected ailment. However, a new study finds revelations regarding what dogs get dementia and how to predict dementia in canines.

Factors in Canine Dementia

The new study is a part of the Dog Aging Project, an organization looking into age-related illnesses in canines and how to increase quality of life in older years.

Researchers found that the risk of dementia in dogs rises every year after age 10. However, age alone isn’t a determining factor. Inactive or lethargic dog participants in the study of the same breed, health status, age, and sterilization status were nearly seven times more likely to suffer from dementia than active dogs.

In addition, pups with histories of neurological, eye, or ear disorders had their risk increased.

Caring for a Dog With Dementia

While a diagnosis of dementia may seem scary, it doesn’t mean that your pup has no quality of life or that your relationship has to suffer.

Sticking to a routine, asking your veterinarian about medications or supplements, and making other adjustments to your care routine can greatly increase your dog’s comfort and happiness while living with dementia. Anxiety is a symptom of dementia in dogs, but there are ways to help manage it.

Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the signs of the onset of canine dementia can assist you in catching the condition early. Keep using those puzzle toys too, as they help keep your pup’s brain active.


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