(Picture Credit: Sonja Rachbauer / Getty Images)

Dog Eats Entire Tin of Chocolates – Parent Warns Others

(Picture Credit: U.Ozel.Images / Getty Images)

It’s no secret that chocolate isn’t good for dogs. Of course, dog parents will do their best to stop their pups from chowing down on it. But sometimes, it can happen.

Tilly, a Jack RussellChihuahua mix – also known as a Jack Chi – ate an entire tin of chocolates just before Christmas last year. After a visit to the vet, she was treated, but then she did it again, reports Leeds Live.

The Dangers of Chocolates

Dog mom Rachael, 28, has warned other dog parents about the dangers of leaving chocolates where dogs can access them. And in particular, around the festive period, when we might be more likely to treat ourselves or our guests.

“I always have an advent calendar, a giant tub of Quality Street on the coffee table, and then there are the little chocolates we hang on the tree,” she explained. “One of the chocolate Christmas tree ornaments hung quite low, enough to be in Tilly’s reach. And again, she inhaled a chocolate before I could get to her. The same symptoms started happening again, so we rushed her back to the vet.”

A Crucial Lesson

Altogether, Rachael spent £1,000 (around $1,200) in vet bills. While she would have happily spent more to treat her pup, she said that she’s been taught a real lesson.

“I was so worried about her, and I felt so guilty I didn’t spot her eat the chocolate, it’s definitely taught me a lesson to keep any harmful foods far out of reach from now on,” she said. “We ended up canceling our plans to go to the panto so I could stay in and make sure her condition improved, swapping the theatre for snuggles on the sofa.

“You don’t realize how poorly dogs can get from even just one chocolate. We’ve chocolate-proofed the house this year to make sure there are no more incidents like this.”


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