Photo Credit: Svetlana Repnitskaya / Getty Images

Dog Owner Asks Reddit ‘AITA?’ for Bringing Yorkshire Terrier Into Grocery Store

dog mom asks AITA Reddit
Photo Credit: Svetlana Repnitskaya / Getty Images

We know you love your fur baby. We don’t blame anyone for wanting to take their pets with them wherever they go. But what happens when you bring your dog somewhere they don’t belong? A dog owner recently asked Reddit, “Am I the A-hole?” (AITA) for taking her tiny Yorkshire Terrier on a quick stop into a grocery store…and boy did she get an earful in return.

Dog Owner Gets Pushback for Bringing Yorkshire Terrier Inside Grocery Store

The dog owner took her pup, Peanut, to the dog park, followed by PetSmart. She realized she needed a few items from the nearby grocery store, and she figured that since there was no signage prohibiting dogs from going into the store, she could just run in and grab what she needed with Peanut in tow.

She was in the store for “no more than 10 minutes” when a man approached her and told her pets weren’t allowed in the store. The man was not an employee.

“Before I could respond, he told me it was ‘gross as f––k’ to have my dog in the produce section,” the Redditor wrote.

The dog mom apologized for bringing her pooch inside, but reminded the man that it was hot out, and that bringing the dog in seemed to be the “most convenient” option.

“He told me to f––k off and not to be a lazy pet owner,” the Redditor wrote.

Reddit Users Respond to “AITA?” Post

If the Redditor was looking for compassion, well, she was barking up the wrong tree. Most commentors thought she should have done her errand when she was dog-free.

“Take the dog home first, making sure he’s comfortable and has water, then finish your errands,” one dog owner wrote.

“As someone who works in a grocery store, don’t bring your f—ing dog to a grocery store,” another commenter said.

“If it’s not a service animal, then it’s on you to make sure you can keep your pet outside the grocery store,” someone else opined.

But not everyone was on the side of pet-free shopping. Some suggested the reactions might have been different based on region.

“It’s very different geographically … In New York City or highly metropolitan areas, people are bringing their dogs with them everywhere, and it’s socially acceptable,” one wrote.


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