When you think of a bachelor party, rescuing adorable puppies probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Well, it wasn’t the plan for a group of buddies in Tennessee celebrating their friend’s wedding. They were all staying in a cabin in the woods and cooking some bacon when a hungry looking dog showed up at their front door. The skinny pup was friendly and too cute to resist, so they gave the skinny, malnourished dog some food and water.

After making friends with the dog, the men noticed that she was very protective of a certain small hole in the ground nearby. When the guys looked inside, they saw a puppy peeking out. So they began to dig carefully, and surprisingly they were able to scoop seven puppies in total out of the den. The men, who had planned to go four-wheeling in the woods, became dog rescuers.

The beer fund became a puppy food fund, and the guys knew they couldn’t leave these dogs behind to fend for themselves. So each of the friends took a dog home, including the mama who they named Annie. Now all these pups live within a few miles of each other, and they have loving forever homes with the guys who saved them. Sure it wasn’t the bachelor party they planned, but it turned out to be a pretty amazing trip.
What would you do if you came across a hungry mama dog in the woods? Would you sacrifice your party to help dogs in need? Let us know in the comments below!
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