White dog with a location tracking device on the collar
(Picture Credit: CasarsaGuru/Getty Images)

GPS Dog Collar Helps Pasadena Police Apprehend A Car & Dog Thief

In Pasadena, California, police apprehended a car thief with the help of a GPS dog collar. Unfortunately, the dog this collar belonged to, Kazoo, was inside the car when it was stolen.

But Kazoo’s GPS collar saved him, the car, and the day reports KTLA.

To be honest, I’ve never thought of this as an application for a GPS dog collar. But it does make quite the case for having one, doesn’t it?

How Kazoo’s GPS Dog Collar Saved The Day

(Stock Picture Credit: CasarsaGuru/Getty Images)

Both the car and Kazoo were reported stolen to Pasadena police. From the crime scene, police deduced that the thief was abandoning a previously stolen car to pick up a new one.

Apparently, it didn’t occur to the thief that the dog in the front seat might have a GPS dog collar. Honestly, I’m super impressed with this pup’s family for remembering that detail during such a stressful situation.

Armed with locational information from the collar, police went in search of the thief. They pulled over the stolen car, arrested the perp, and found Kazoo still hanging out in the front seat, completely unaware of how he helped the police track down this thief.

Shortly after, Kazoo reunited with his family, and Pasadena PD praised the pooch on Instagram.

“[The] collar was able to provide us with the GPS location of not only the dog but also the suspect and the stolen vehicle,” Pasadena PD wrote in a post dedicated to Kazoo.

Photos posted by Pasadena PD show Kazoo, how they found him in the front seat of the car, and the backside of the apprehended thief, which, hilariously, is covered in dog hair.

“This is the story of how Kazoo the dog, helped us arrest a car thief,” they write in their post.

This story is a good reminder that we must take steps to keep our pets safe from dognappers and thieves. DogTime has a full guide to keeping your dog safe from dognappers here!

Does your dog ever wear a GPS collar? Has it ever helped your pup like it did for Kazoo in this story? Let us know in the comments below.


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