Can dogs eat fava beans? You may be asking this because you’re curious about giving your pup a new treat, or maybe your pup found their way into a fava bean snack, and you’re worried about their safety. Humans can eat fava beans, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, fava beans, also known as broad beans, are not safe for dogs to eat. Some beans, like the lima and kidney varieties, are safe for your dog to eat. Fava beans, however, contain a compound that is not good for your dog to consume.
If your dog has consumed fava beans, you must call your veterinarian for guidance. Raw fava beans are more dangerous for dogs than cooked, but call your vet regardless. Here’s why fava beans are not good for dogs.
How Are Fava Beans Bad For Dogs?
Fava beans contain PHA (phytohemagglutinin), a compound that is toxic to dogs. If your dog eats fava beans, they may present with vomiting or diarrhea as a result of consuming the substance. They may also suffer from abdominal pain.
Because dogs can’t tell you that they are hurting, this might present as lethargy or hiding away.
Raw fava beans are more dangerous to dogs than cooked fava beans. Cooked fava beans contain far less PHA than raw, therefore posing less of a threat to your pup’s tummy. Still, your pup may have a stomachache from consuming cooked fava beans.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Fava Beans?

If you suspect your dog may have consumed cooked fava beans, it is most likely not a reason to take a trip to the vet. Still, a phone call to your veterinarian can’t hurt to ensure that your pup receives the best care.
Raw fava beans, however, are a little more serious. If left untreated, your dog might suffer from what is known as favism, an anemia resulting from the consumption of fava beans.
Your dog’s weight and general health will have an impact on how their body reacts to the PHA in their system, which is why consulting a veterinarian is important.
Just because your pup can’t enjoy fava beans doesn’t mean they can’t have any beans. Black beans, soybeans, and garbanzo beans are actually superfoods for dogs when prepared correctly.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten fava beans? Did you need to call your veterinarian? Let us know in the comments below.