Can dogs eat cookies? You may be asking this because you’re curious about sharing your midnight snack, or maybe your pup got into the pantry. Humans can eat cookies, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, cookies are not safe for dogs to eat. Cookies made for humans contain ingredients that dogs should not consume, but some cookies are more dangerous than others.
If you suspect your dog has eaten a cookie, call your veterinarian to determine the best course of action. Here’s why cookies are bad for dogs.
Why Are Cookies Bad For Dogs?
Cookies made for humans are often sugary, floury, buttery — and not even good for humans. While humans can digest these ingredients in moderation, your dog may have a more difficult time.
Moreover, cookies made with ingredients that are toxic to dogs, like chocolate or raisins, are dangerous if eaten by your pup. Cookies with minimal ingredients, like shortbread cookies, will most likely only cause an upset tummy.
In general, it’s good to keep your pup away from butter and refined sugar. There are plenty of dog cookie options that your pup can enjoy that won’t result in a visit to the vet or a night of stomach issues.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Cookies?

If your dog ate cookies, the first thing you should do is determine if there are harmful ingredients in them. As mentioned previously, there are cookies that are more harmful to dogs than others.
Common cookie ingredients like cocoa powder, nutmeg, raisins, and certain nuts are toxic to dogs. You should immediately take your pup to the emergency vet if they have eaten a cookie with these ingredients, even if they appear to be okay.
These ingredients are some of the most toxic human foods that dogs can encounter, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.
If your pup ate a cookie without these toxic ingredients, keep an eye on them for the next few hours. They may exhibit signs of an upset stomach like lethargy or diarrhea. These symptoms should pass.
You could also help your pup overcome the upset stomach by giving them a bland food, like plain white or brown rice or plain, boiled chicken.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten cookies? Did they have any bad symptoms afterward? Let us know in the comments below.