Nectarine fruit on a wooden
(Picture Credit: gresei/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? Are Nectarines Safe For Dogs?

Can dogs eat nectarines? We humans love that sweet, nectar fruit, and hey, maybe you’ve wondered if our dogs would, as well. It’s reasonable to wonder. But is this fruit safe for our dogs to share with us?

The short answer is yes, nectarines are safe for dogs in moderation, with proper preparation. They are pitted fruits, and just like apricots and peaches, those come with a bit of work on your part before you can offer them to your dog. But the nutrient value may make it worth it.

That being said, if you’re considering nectarines for your dog, then you must consult your vet first, as you should with all new foods and ingredients. Here is what we’ve gathered on why nectarines are a safe treat for our dogs.

How Are Nectarines Good For Dogs?

Nectarines are one of those summer fruits that are simply refreshing. There’s no reason to think they wouldn’t be just as much so for your pup.

They’re not just a sweet treat, though. Nectarines are rich in magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

Given that our pups produce vitamin C naturally, that’s quite a lot of extra nutrients that will keep their bodies youthful and energized.

Dietary fiber is a huge plus for gut health, as well. While too much can certainly lead to stomach upset and loose stools, a balanced amount can really aid your dog’s digestive process.

Please do note, though, that these benefits only apply to fresh nectarines. Canned nectarines should not be offered to your dog. They’re loaded with preservatives and excess sugars that your dog does not need in their diet.

How Can I Safely Give Nectarines To My Dog?

view of ripe peach fruit sliced on a white cutting board and male chef hand with sharp knife nearby
(Picture Credit: MaximFesenko/Getty Images)

For the most part, nectarines only require very basic preparation. Basically, it’s the very same prep that you would do to eat one, yourself.

While your pup should have no trouble with the skin of the nectarine, washing the exterior is important. Harmful pesticides are often still lingering on the outside of fruits, but a quick and thorough wash is all it takes to remove them.

From there, to serve nectarine to your pup, slice it into two pieces, remove the pit, and then chop it into chunks or small slices, much like you likely prepare it for yourself!

Under no circumstance should you give your dog a full nectarine, or allow them to chew on the pit. Fruit pits often contain cyanide, which is highly toxic to dogs.

If your dog has enjoyed peaches before, they’ll likely take to nectarine. But always start small, just in case.

Even if they like it, give it a few hours and make sure there aren’t any allergic reactions. If anything should arise, it will likely pass, but it will definitely be worth a discussion with your veterinarian.

Keep in mind that this is a high-sugar fruit. So, only offer it as an occasional treat!

Have you ever shared nectarines with your dog? What kind of reaction did they have to the flavor? Let us know in the comments below.


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