Can dogs eat pancetta? Maybe you’ve wondered if you could share some with your pup while slicing up some pancetta to add to a fancy cheese and meat plate. If humans can eat pancetta, can dogs safely eat it too?
The short answer is no, dogs can’t safely eat pancetta. The main issues with serving a dog pancetta are the high salt content and the possibility that the meat has been cured with spices or herbs that might be toxic to your dog. So keep pancetta out of your dog’s diet.
If your dog accidentally eats pancetta, you should call your veterinarian for advice. Here’s what you need to know about pancetta and dogs.
Why Is Pancetta Bad For Dogs?
The main reason why pancetta is a bad fit for a dog’s diet is the very high sodium content. Salt is a key ingredient in curing the meat. Consuming high levels of salt can put your dog at risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease.
Additionally, if a dog experiences salt poisoning from eating too much pancetta, they may suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, and even a seizure.
A second problem with serving pancetta to dogs is that the meat is often cured with extra spices and ingredients. Some of these spices and ingredients, like garlic, paprika, and onions, could prove to be harmful to your dog.
Thirdly, pancetta is a high fat food, and eating too much fat can increase the risk of your dog developing canine obesity and pancreatitis.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Pancetta?

If you notice that your dog has sneaked in a small bite of pancetta, you don’t need to panic. There’s a strong chance that your dog will be okay. Just keep an eye out for any obvious symptoms.
If you discover that your dog has eaten a large amount of pancetta, then it’s best practice to call your vet. They will be able to let you know whether your dog will need medical help or whether they should be able to recover by waiting it out at home.
Has your dog ever sneaked in a taste of pancetta? Did they feel sick afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!