Can dogs eat grits? You may be asking this because you want to give your pup a taste of your breakfast. Humans can eat grits, so are grits also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is yes, grits are safe for dogs to eat. Grits, as they are popularized today, are made by boiling ground hominy or stone-ground corn, both ingredients that are safe for your pup to eat.
However, as with all human foods, contact your vet before feeding any new dietary additions to your dog. Here’s what you should know about feeding grits to your dog.
How Are Grits Good For Dogs?
Corn is the sole ingredient in plain hominy or stone-ground grits, making the dish safe for you pup. Despite what you may have heard in the past few years of grain-free dog food craze, grains are a great source of energy for your dog in appropriate amounts, and corn is no exception.
Corn is high in carbohydrates, which gives your furry friend the energy they need to bounce around and do dog things, like zoomies.
You’ll want to feed your dog grits in moderation, however, to ensure that they don’t eat too many carbs. If your pup is verging on overweight or if you’ve been advised that they may need to lose a couple pounds, grits are probably not the best option for your doggo.
If you’re still looking for a human food to your pup, you might try other low-carb snacks like peppers or squash instead.
How Can I Safely Give Grits To My Dog?

Grits should be soaked and boiled before feeding them to your pup. Dry, unsoaked grits are not good for your dog and may cause digestive upset.
While you may enjoy adding butter and seasonings to your grits, your pup should forego these additions. However, you might add a small amount of cheese as a topper.
Because dogs like the taste of grits, you shouldn’t have to do much coaxing to get your pup to eat this food.
Has your dog ever eaten grits? Do you feed them to your pup regularly? Let us know in the comments below!