Can dogs eat ham hocks? Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering if you could share a bite with your dog while preparing some ham hocks as part of a festive holiday feast. If humans can eat ham hocks, can dogs safely eat them too?
The short answer is no, dogs can’t eat ham hocks safely. Ham might not be toxic to dogs on its own, but due to the size of ham hocks, they could prove to be a choking hazard for most dogs.
Additionally, ham hocks might upset your dog’s stomach and digestive system due to the way that they are prepared.
If your dog manages to get a hold of ham hocks, take them away and call your veterinarian for advice. Here’s what you need to know about ham hocks and dogs.
Why Are Ham Hocks Bad For Dogs?
Ham hocks are made out of a joint that connects a pig’s leg to its foot. Unfortunately, the size of ham hocks means that they can often prove to be a choking hazard for hungry canines. Additionally, the bones of a ham hock could also splinter and end up hurting your dog.
The way that ham hocks are traditionally prepared also means that they are a bad choice for your dog.
Ham hocks are often smoked and cured with a lot of salt. This means that consuming too many high sodium foods like ham hocks could end up with your dog developing heart disease or high blood pressure.
Additionally, salt poisoning could be an issue for dogs who eat too many ham hocks.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Ham Hocks?

First of all, if your dog takes just a small bite of a ham hock, they will likely be okay. Just keep an eye out for any signs that they might be struggling to swallow or digest the amount of ham hock that they’ve consumed.
If in doubt, consult with your vet. They will be able to tell you which symptoms and signs to look out for and whether your dog needs medical help.
If you notice that your dog has attempted to eat an entire ham hock and seems like they are experiencing choking symptoms, seek out medical assistance immediately.
Has your dog ever eaten ham hocks? Did they feel sick afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!