Can dogs eat macaroni and cheese? Maybe you found yourself wonder if you could share a bite with your pooch while whipping up a comforting mac and cheese in your kitchen? If humans can eat macaroni and cheese, can dogs safely eat it too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat macaroni and cheese safely. Technically, you might be able to craft a mac and cheese that is not harmful to your dog, but most of the ingredients used in a traditional mac and cheese combine together in a way that’s not suitable for dogs.
Along with being high in fat and sodium, mac and cheese can also aggravate dogs who suffer form gluten and dairy intolerances.
As always, you must consult your veterinarian before sharing any human foods with your pooch. Here’s what you need to know about macaroni and cheese and dogs.
When Is Macaroni And Cheese Okay For Dogs To Eat?
If your dog is fine to handle dairy and gluten, they could enjoy a mac and cheese as long as it’s a very plain mac and cheese. The cheese component would need to be something like cheddar or mozzarella, and definitely not a blue cheese.
The mac and cheese would need to not have too much extra salt and anything else in the way of seasonings, including garlic. Even then, it’s advisable to only serve your dog a small, occasional portion due to its high fat content.
When Is Macaroni And Cheese Bad For Dogs?

It’s a good guess that most mac and cheeses you’ll come across are not great for dogs. For a start, if your dog has any sort of dairy or gluten allergy, mac and cheese will definitely aggravate them.
Secondly, mac and cheese is a food that’s high in fat, no matter how healthy you attempt to make it. Fat should not make up such a large part of your dog’s diet. Consuming too many fatty foods could heighten the risk of developing pancreatitis.
Your dog might also become medically obese if they consume too much fat.
Thirdly, a lot of mac and cheeses will be made with extra ingredients and spices to pep them up. Garlic, onion powder, and various chili peppers should all be avoided as they are likely to upset your dog.
So while mac and cheese might be one of the ultimate comfort foods for humans, there are much better options if you’re looking to serve your dog a hearty treat.
Has your dog ever tried a bite of macaroni and cheese? How did they feel afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!