Can dogs eat sour cream? You may be asking this because your dog stole a lick of this creamy topping. Humans can eat sour cream, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is yes, sour cream is safe for dogs to eat. However, sour cream is a dairy product that contains lactose, so lactose intolerant dogs should steer clear.
As with all human foods, you must ask your veterinarian before feeding your dog any new dietary additions. Here’s what you should know about feeding sour cream to your dog.
How Is Sour Cream Safe For Dogs?
Like most dairy products, sour cream contains calcium. Calcium, like with humans, aids in dogs’ bone health.
Sour cream, however, is not the best source of calcium. If you’re feeding your dog sour cream for the health benefits, there are other foods, like yogurt and spinach, that are better options.
However, if you’re feeding your dog a sour cream as a treat, the slight amount of calcium is an added bonus.
Sour cream also contains saturated fat, which is not good for your pup to consume frequently or in large quantities. All things considered, a tablespoon of sour cream here and there as a snack is perfectly fine for your dog.
How Can I Safely Give Sour Cream To My Dog?

You can give your pup small amounts of plain sour cream every once in a while. Most dogs like the flavor and texture, so they typically don’t need any coaxing to give it a try.
If you have a dog who is difficult about taking medications like heartworm pills, you might consider hiding the pill under a dab of sour cream. The smell is strong enough to mask the odor of the pill, so even sneaky pups who eat around hidden medication are fooled.
That said, you should not give your pup sour cream as a regular treat. This dairy product is a once-a-month kind of snack for your pup. Too much can cause health problems like obesity and heart issues.
Has your dog ever eaten sour cream? Do you ever hide your pup’s pills inside of it? Let us know in the comments.