Can dogs eat lemongrass? You may be asking this because you’re curious about this grass’ impact on your pup’s health. Humans can eat lemongrass, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, lemongrass is not safe for dogs to eat. Lemongrass is not necessarily toxic, but it can cause severe intestinal blockage in your pup.
If your dog has eaten lemongrass, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. Here’s why lemongrass is bad for dogs.
Why Is Lemongrass Bad For Dogs?
Lemongrass is a grass that is often used as an essential oil and as flavoring in some foods. It’s naturally fibrous, making it difficult to chew and digest.
If your pup had a nibble of lemongrass, they will most likely not suffer any effects. However, if your dog eats a large quantity of lemongrass, they may suffer intestinal blockage. This is an emergency situation that requires veterinary intervention.
Some topical flea and tick medication contains lemongrass essential oil as a repellant. This is perfectly safe to use on your pup’s coat to ward off those pesky critters.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Lemongrass?

If your dog ate a substantial amount of lemongrass, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. Intestinal blockage is no joke and can cause a plethora of secondary health issues if not treated properly.
If your dog ate a small amount of lemongrass, keep an eye on their behavior. They may pass the lemongrass in their stool like they would with a blade of grass from the lawn.
However, they may start to exhibit signs of intestinal blockage, like vomiting, constipation, fever, and swollen belly. If any of these symptoms arise, take your pup to the vet right away.
If you’re looking for a fibrous fruit or veggie to feed your pup and thought lemongrass was your answer, you can try a number of other foods like spaghetti squash, granola, and jicama instead.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten lemongrass? Do you use it as a natural flea and tick repellant? Let us know in the comments below.