Can dogs eat toffee? You may be asking this because your dog got into a bowl of this sugary candy, and you’re worried about their health. Humans can eat toffee, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, toffee is not safe for dogs to eat. Toffee contains a lot of sugar, which is not good for your pup. Some toffees also contain raisins, which are toxic to dogs.
If your dog has eaten toffee, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. Here’s why toffee is bad for dogs.
Why Is Toffee Bad For Dogs?
Toffee is a sticky, sugary, hard candy that dogs really have no business eating, and it’s not good for humans, either. The main difference is that we can choose to eat foods like toffee in moderation without any negative effects. Dogs, however, are much more sensitive to an absurd amount of sugar.
Another characteristic of toffee that makes it so bad for dogs is its hardness. If you have ever eaten toffee, chances are you feared for your teeth at some point. Toffee actually has the capability to break your canine’s chompers.
This candy should be avoided by dogs at all costs.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Toffee?

If your dog at toffee, you should keep a close eye on them to make sure they don’t exhibit any worrying symptoms of toxicity, like excessive diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and confusion.
You should also check their teeth to ensure that the hard candy didn’t do any damage to their pearly whites.
If your pup ate toffee with raisins, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.
If your dog ate toffee and has a sugar processing disorder, like diabetes, this is another cause for an emergency trip to the vet. Toffee has truly ridiculous amount of sugar that could prove fatal for these vulnerable pups.
Additionally, if your dog doesn’t have a sugar processing disorder, a few bites of a toffee snack may cause them to develop one. Even sugar-free versions of toffee can contain a compound called xylitol, which can be lethal to dogs even in small doses.
All in all, it’s best to keep this candy to yourself.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten toffee? Did they feel sick afterwards? Let us know in the comments below.