Can dogs eat risotto? Maybe you’ve wondered if you could share some with your dog while digging into a luxurious plate of risotto yourself. If humans can eat risotto, can dogs safely eat it too?
The short answer is no, dogs can’t eat risotto safely. While rice is generally okay for dogs to eat in moderation, the extra spices and ingredients that are added to arborio rice to turn it into risotto will most likely upset your dog’s stomach or prove to be harmful.
So keep risotto away from your inquisitive canine. If your dog eats a lot of it, call your veterinarian for advice. Here’s what you need to know about risotto and dogs.
Why Is Risotto Bad For Dogs?
As mentioned, the rice component of risotto is safe for dogs to eat. But the issue with risotto is that it will almost certainly contain onions, which are something to always avoid feeding your dog.
Additionally, depending on the specific type of risotto in question, there’s a strong chance that garlic and spices will have been added to it. These are also ingredients that should be kept away from your dog.
Broth is often used when making risotto. There’s a chance that it may contain a much higher amount of sodium than your dog can safely handle. Consuming too much sodium risks your dog developing issues like high blood pressure and heart disease.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Risotto?

First of all, if you notice that your dog is eating risotto, take away any remaining food away from your dog. If your dog has only scarfed down a couple of small bites, monitor them for any adverse symptoms and reactions such as vomiting and diarrhea.
If your dog has consumed a much more significant amount of risotto, it’s best to consult with your vet.
Depending on a number of factors including your dog’s age, weight, and general health, plus the specific ingredients used in the risotto, there is a chance that they may need to seek out actual medical care and attention.
Has your dog ever accidentally tasted your risotto? Did they feel sick afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!