Can dogs drink rice milk? Maybe you’ve wondered if you could share a taste with your dog while reaching for a carton of rice milk as a dairy substitute. If humans can drink rice milk, can dogs safely drink it too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can drink rice milk safely. Rice milk is not considered to technically be toxic for dogs. However, drinking too much could contribute towards your dog developing canine obesity.
Additionally, if you’re considering letting your dog enjoy an occasional serving of rice milk, make sure that there aren’t any additional flavorings or preservatives added to it.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food or drinks with your beloved pooch. Here’s what you need to know about rice milk and dogs.
When Is Rice Milk Okay For Dogs To Drink?
Rice milk is not considered to be poisonous for dogs. So if you find out that your dog has any sort of a dairy intolerance or allergy, rice milk could be worth considering.
From a nutritional point of view, rice milk can provide an amount of protein along with the vitamins B1 and D plus calcium.
When Is Rice Milk Bad For Dogs?

The main problem with serving rice milk to your dog is that consuming too much could lead to your dog packing on the pounds.
Rice milk is high in carbohydrates. When dogs consume too many carbs there’s a chance that they could develop canine obesity. This, in turn, can lead to a wide range of medical conditions.
Additionally, many commercial brands of rice milk have extra flavorings and preservatives added to them. There is a chance that these flavorings and preservatives could prove to be toxic to your dog, so always read the label closely before deciding to serve it to your pup.
Has your dog ever tasted rice milk? How did they like it? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!