Can dogs eat walnut oil? You may be asking this because you’ve heard about the benefits of adding oils to your dog’s diet and want to give walnut oil a shot. Humans can eat walnut oil, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is yes, walnut oil is safe for dogs to eat. Walnut oil provides health benefits for your pup when consumed in moderation.
As with all human foods, you should contact your vet before adding walnut oil to your dog’s diet. Here’s what you should know about feeding walnut oil to your dog.
How Is Walnut Oil Good For Dogs?
Walnut oil can reduce inflammation, making it a good choice for dogs with arthritis or other chronic pain. It is also rich in omega 3 fats, which are essential in keeping your dog running around and full of energy.
Omega 3’s are also found in grains, so if your pup is fed grains in their regular food, you might to forgo walnut oil. If you want to feed your pup an oil but want it to be lower in omega 3’s, flaxseed oil is a good choice.
Fish oil, olive oil, and coconut oil are all healthy oils that give your pup a boost when given in moderation. If you cook a meal for your dog on occasion, using a teaspoon of any of these oils to sauté meat for your pup is safe, too.
How Can I Safely Give Walnut Oil To My Dog?

If you want to give walnut oil to your dog, you should do so in moderation. Too much of any oil can cause heart trouble and stomach upset. The same is true for humans, but it takes far less oil for a dog to suffer these health consequences.
As your pup’s parent, you’re responsible for doling out the correct amount of oil for your dog’s meal. If you plan on giving walnut oil to your dog daily, you should contact your vet to determine the proper dose.
Has your dog ever eaten walnut oil? Do you feed your dog this oil daily? Let us know in the comments!