Can dogs eat rissoles? You may be asking this because you want to feed your furry friend a new snack. Humans can eat rissoles, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, rissoles are not safe for dogs to eat. Rissoles are meat pies that are loaded with seasonings and salt, neither of which are good for your pup in large quantities. Some rissoles also have ingredients that are toxic to your dog, like onions and garlic.
If your dog has eaten rissoles, you should contact your vet for guidance. Here’s why rissoles are so bad for dogs.
Why Are Rissoles Bad For Dogs?
Rissoles contain many ingredients, most of which are not good for your dog. These meat pies contain loads of salt, which can harm your dog in large amounts. Moreover, some rissoles have onions and/or garlic, which can cause toxicity in dogs.
Signs of onion or garlic toxicity include lethargy, loss of appetite, and upset stomach. If your pup isn’t treated soon enough, consumption of onions or garlic can result in anemia.
If you want to feed your pup a rissole for benefits the meat in the middle, opt for a meal of plain meat instead. Plain beef, chicken, or duck is much better for your dog than a salty meat pie.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Rissoles?

If your dog has eaten rissoles, you should first determine the ingredients of the meat pie. If the rissole your dog ate contained onions and/or garlic, you should contact your vet right away, as these ingredients are toxic. Toxicity from onions or garlic can be fatal if not treated.
If the rissole your pup ate didn’t contain a toxic ingredient, keep an eye on them to ensure that they don’t display any signs of an allergy. There are typically a lot of ingredients in rissole, meaning your doggo is most likely being exposed to new foods that they could potentially have an allergic reaction to.
If your pup doesn’t have any allergic reaction and appears to be okay after eating rissoles, make sure they drink plenty of water to offset the salt content in these meat pies.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten rissoles? What healthier foods do you share with your pooch? Let us know in the comments below.