For a color theme, choose blue and silver or white, suggests Heidi Borgia of Carmel Dog Parties. She decks out her bark mitzvah venues with plenty of blue and silver balloons. Drape tables in blue and silver fabric, she suggests, and set out silver platters of food.
As for the canines, have a white dog bowl waiting for each guest, filled with Jewish-themed plush toys and treats–you can easily find toys and treats shaped as menorahs, dreydels, and stars online, and possibly at a nearby pet bakery or specialty store.
Bark mitzvah party: The basics – when to throw the party, entertainment, and more.
Bark mitzvah invitations: How to create dog-themed invitations for the event.
Bark mitzvah favors: Fun toys to distribute to the canine guests.
Bark mitzvah food: What edibles to serve the four-legged guests…and two-legged humans.
Bark mitzvah games: Fun activities to get the party started.
What to wear for a bark mitzvah: Formal or casual? Should the guest dog wear anything?
See all dog party themes.