Turns out December 2, 2009, is a big news day for canine aficionados. Let’s hit the highlights:
- The latest issue of Time magazine examines the aftermath of busting a dog fighting ring. Can these dogs be rehabilitated? If so, is it worth the effort? A powerful article that reaffirms what we’ve been saying all along.
- Speaking of dog fighting, Michael Vick was quoted yesterday saying, “I wish I could have a dog right now more than anything in the world.” Anyone else feeling sick in the back of their throat? I wish I could have a pottery studio. My neighbor wishes she could have curly hair. My nephew wishes he could have a successful NFL career. But we can’t always get what we want. Thank God.
- Vick goes on to absolve himself of the much-reported crime of electrocuting dogs who didn’t perform well. “…Never happened,” he said. Do you believe him? In light of the admitted drowning, beating, and fighting, does it matter?
- H1N1 is not just for people, pigs, cats, ferrets, and birds anymore. Two cases of canine H1N1 have been confirmed in China, and they likely caught the virus from humans. So even if it’s just Rover around, cover your face when you sneeze. And don’t let him play with the Kleenex.
- Last but not least: It’s National Mutt Day! Love up your dogs no matter what breed. Tell ’em Dogtime sent ya.