Product Review: PatriaPet Collars and Leashes Inspired by World Flags

Pet Product Review – PatriaPet Collars and Leashes Inspired by World Flags

Mr. Obama, when shopping for your new puppy’s collar and leash look no farther than This past weekend while attending the Horse and Pet Expo at the Meadowlands in New Jersey, I came across an enterprising young company that creates fashionable pet collars, leashes and accessories all inspired by world flags. It was a U.N. of pet regalia.


I couldn’t help think to myself “what a better way to show pride in your heritage” than with a patriotic collar and leash for your pet. Surely the American flag collar belongs on every all-American mutt, not just around the 4th but everyday in the White House.

Now, if you’re not American, how lucky are you? Flags from every continent are available, nearly 20 in all. I saw the flags of Greece, Finland, Russia, UK, France, Cuba and many many more. I do suggest that you go to the website for ordering because you do have to consider the size and weight of your pet. On the site one can find all of those instructions.

patriapet italyPatriapet UK

As for construction, these collars are very durable, made of permanently dyed polyester. So, Mr. Obama, these colors won’t run! In the price category, well you certainly won’t need to worry about breaking the bank. Collars run about $13 and leashes an economical $19.

If you’ve got a pet product that you think will pass the Secret Shopper test, send an email to

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