Product Review: Smucci Holiday Manger Pet Bed

Pet Product Review: Smucci Holiday Manager Pet Bed by DDK Designs

Well, the big Christmas tree went up last night in Rockefeller Center, so the holiday season is officially upon us. And if you’re like me, this is the season to really get into the spirit with decoration, cooking, entertaining friends and family and more. In fact, I am planning on spending the whole weekend preparing my house for the holiday festivities.


If you’re the same kind of person and full of holiday spirit, I’ve found just the perfect holiday pet bed for you. Smucci is a brand of hand-crafted designer pet beds by well known Michigan based artist Debi Kahn. Her latest creation is the Smucci Holiday Manger pet bed. This pet bed looks just like the mangers you see in a navitivity scene, but of course the canine and feline heaven sent. Dimensions are 23″ x 20″x 17″ which makes for a nice compliment to any holiday Tree. The base is constructed of solid hand-crafted wood, and the pillow is a soft minky brown color to resemble hay. The pillow cover is made of 100% machine washable fabric.


The Manger bed can be purchased directly from the artist at at a cost of $300 and this includes shipping.

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