Product Review: Personalized Dog Collar by Orvis

Pet Product Review – Personalized Dog Collar by Orvis

If you’re like me, and crazy about your dog, you take every measure to assure he/she will be safe any time even when you’re not around. So like many of you, my dog Champ has the microchip, he has the tattoo, he has an identification dog tag and he’s registered at both the vet and the police department. You might call that ID overkill, a bit. But when you think about it, most of the identification methods listed above are invisible, or in the case of the ID tag, hard to read.

champs collar

That thought never crossed my mind until I was reading The Dog Book, a fantastic catalogue of premium pet products by Orvis, and I saw the Personalized Dog Collar. Such a simple idea, and one that need be will work. Your name and your contact information is embroidered directly onto sturdy nylon collar with a side-release buckle. You know, my urban neighborhood in New York is multi-lingual immigrant population. And in the country where I take my dog on weekends, many of the people are elderly or remote. These people simply may not know there are such things as micro-chipping or tattoo identification. But a collar with your name and number, that is universally easy.

I like having that extra level of identification on my best friend should for some reason he get lost, perhaps while being watched by friends or family. At $19, a price that includes the embroidery, you can’t go wrong. For $29 you can have the same collar, but on reflective nylon. Plus, the collars come in 8 great collars and multiple sizes.

reflective collar

Do go to and check out this and other great gifts for your dog.

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