Product Review: Hilton Hotel

Pet Product Review – Hilton Hotels

Wow! you’re saying to yourself, since when has a hotel chain been lumped into the same product review category as kibble and raw hide treats. Well, they are now. The people at Hilton are very smart. They realize that over 80% of pet owners think of their pets as family and include them in travel as much as they can. With that they announced a corporate wide initiative to allow dogs in all of their hotels in North and Central America.


Here is the press release, direct from the Hilton corporate website:

What makes this truly extraordinary is that Hilton is actually creating special rooms for doggie visitors. It wasn’t just a “hey, lets accept dogs”. What Hilton is doing is fitting these special rooms with luxurious ammenities that include microantibacterial dogbeds, bowls, toys, shampoos and other goodies. They are also creating doggie care centers where your pets can play with other jet set pups. Oh! did I tell you, they also have gourmet doggie dining too. Now, that sounds nice, but this is Hilton, of Beverly Hills, so the rooms are personally designed by famous doggie artist William Wegman.


Once you’ve pampered your pup, and he’s Hilton-spoiled, you can even purchase the items he loves the most.

Let me tell you, Champ wants a vacation and wants to check it out. We’d love to include pictures.

Do please go to for more info.

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