Product Review: Puppy Cake – The Cake Mix For Dogs

Pet Product Review – Puppy Cake – The Cake Mix for Dogs

Its the Holidays! Hooray! What that means for me is baking, desserts, cookies, cakes, and home made treats of all sorts for my entire family, including my puppy. Until now when I go into the luxury boutique pet stores with the bakery, or should I say “barkery” counters right up front, I wonder where they get those scrumptious looking cookies and cakes. They look so people-icious. I am always tempted to buy them, but the prices, quite frankly are beyond my budget.

puppy cake

With that, I was aiming to get into the festive spirit and bake my own cookies and treats. So, I went to for homemade recipes and such. But to tell you the truth, I’m a bit lazy. What I really wanted was a cake mix that had all the ingredients, and all I had to do was add an egg, a little oil and water. Just like the cakes I bake for my family. Well…. I finally found a company that has cake mix for dogs; Puppy Cake. Finally, what took so long? This clever company made it easy for us. They have a variety of doggie delicious cake mixes that are simple to make and include all the ingredients, including the frosting!

I ordered the Fifi’s Favorite Carob Cake Mix and Frosting it was only $4.99 and will make 6 cup cakes. When you order 4 boxes, the shipping is free. Go to where you will find all the information you need on the mixes and purchase. It really is perfect for your next doggie party. Most of all, have fun!

puppy cake bone

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